Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Keegan's 3rd Birthday - for real!

Yeah! I got it to work. Nothing like restarting it 20 times...does the trick everytime!

So here goes the photo essay - for those of your who couldn't make it.

Opening the bike on July 3rd morning.

Much debate over
this in the last few months for me. Wanted to get him a Big Wheel, but didn't order it early enough online, then, no stores carry them. He's big enough for the 12" two wheelers with training
wheels, so guess what.....

That's what he got.

The cake was made by Christine Ahearne-Zurkan.
She offered, and did a far better job than I could do.
Keegan requested a purple and red bumblebee.
(We did a bug theme for those of you that didn't know.)
He was very happy as you can was huge!

Making a wish.....

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